Client Showcase
CalcXML provides calculators for over 150 financial institutions, ranging from the very largest to the independent financial advisor. In addition to our off-the-shelf solution, we have built numerous custom projects spanning many types of technologies. Listed below is some of our recent work with a brief description of their unique implementation of our financial tools.

In order to better showcase our content, in April 2008 CalcXML launched This consumer-friendly portal is packed with hundreds and hundreds of pages of financial articles, calculators, and national average data which can all be licensed from CalcXML. The site also illustrates the design flexibility and creativity that can be implemented using our XML-ready content and, hopefully, gives you some ideas on how to "monetize" your web site.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

In January 2007, Yahoo! Finance deployed dozens and dozens of our financial calculators on their high-traffic Personal Finance site. They switched technologies from a competing calc vendor in order to be able to host their own solution and obtain more control over look-and-feel. Using our unique xml schema documents they are able to dynamically generate calc input pages 'on-the-fly' when the web visitor clicks on a calculator link. Further, we were able provide an efficient, load-balanced and scalable solution to give their millions of visitors a flawless experience.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)
Following on the heels of Yahoo! Finance, in August 2007 Yahoo! Real Estate launched their own version of the Home and Mortgage calculator category. This implementation has some unique UI design techniques such as the ability to Show/Hide detailed amortization tables. In addition, they created "Teaser Calcs" which encourage use by featuring minimal input questions and pre-populated fields via real-time interest rate feeds. With the speed and scalability of the CalcXML java-based engines, these calculators have been featured successfully on the homepage of
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)
In March 2009, Yahoo! En Espanol took advantage of the Spanish versions of our calculators and implemented an elegant web service solution on their Personal Finance and Auto pages. Now spanish-speaking visitors at Yahoo! are able to utilize the same financial planning calculators that have existed on Yahoo! Personal Finance for years.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

One of the nation's largest banks selected CalcXML tools as part of a comprehensive personal finance portal called the Live Solid Network. The calculators comprise a major part of the web site which includes videos, articles, quizzes and polls.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet - autosize iframe)

Jackson Hewitt, one of the nation's leading tax preparation companies, selected CalcXML to provide tax calculators for their public web site. They opted for PDF output so current and potential clients could input their numbers and print out the results to take into any of JH's 6800 franchise and company-owned offices.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)

MasterCard created custom Flash calculators as part of their Priceless Pointers launch. Using CalcXML engines coupled with their own interface of sliders, compelling graphics and charting tool, they were able to create numerous user-friendly calculators to help web visitors better manage their debts and savings.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

One of the nation's leading life insurance companies recently switched calculator vendors to CalcXML. They were able to save money and brand the calculators with the company logo as well as incorporate a "find an agent" button.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)

AOL launched CalcXML technology to support their Real Estate portal. With calculators such as Mortgage Amortization, Home Affordability and Rent versus Buy, consumers are easily able to get the answers they are looking for. AOL's implementation is unique in that they split the calculated results over several user-friendly tabs: input/table/chart.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

In a recent U.S. poll, NASDAQ was #1 in awareness and name recognition among investors. They selected a "bundle of 10" calculators to add value to their Financial Advisor Center. Using an auto-sizing IFrame implementation and custom stylesheet, NASDAQ was able to transparently blend the calculators with their other Advisor content.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet - autosize iframe)

The nation's fifth largest bank selected CalcXML to create a retirement planning engine – Retire Secure Index (RSI). This Wells Fargo RSI calculator was integrated with a Flash application using interactive video to create a unique and compelling user experience. This online calculator, along with distribution into various branch offices, helped establish Wells Fargo as a leader in the retirement and investment business.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

FOX News selected CalcXML to provide financial tools for their FOX Business / Personal Finance web site. For a quicker implementation they opted for the CalcXML-hosted solution and we were able help them integrate some javascript in order to dynamically resize their I-Frame for a seamless solution.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet - autosize iframe)

FiLife, a joint venture between Dow Jones and IAC, selected CalcXML to provide the financial tools for their personal finance web site. The calculator categories fit perfectly with their menu options: Budgeting, Credit, Auto, Retirement, Education, etc. By integrating via web services they were able to host the calc input/result pages and seamlessly blend them into their site.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

One of the nation's largest loan originators, MetLife Home Loans, implemented a combination of calc widgets and full-size calculator tools on their mortgage broker web sites. By creating a set of unique stylesheets to blend with their existing web site template libraries, they were able to create a professional, custom implementation for their individual agent sites.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)

Boasting a reach of over 9 million visitors each month, the is a leading online news destination and an innovator in the online news experience. With a focus on interactive content, they decided to include the Home and Mortgage calculators as part of a new Real Estate portal. Due to the flexibility of the CalcXML design, they were able to completely control the user experience.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

In response to the recent economic crisis, this popular Canadian newspaper created this ad-driven financial portal called MoneyVille to assist its readers with their financial needs. CalcXML was contracted to write custom calculators incorporating country-specific tax rates, inflation, products and unique rules for determining home affordability.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)

Popular guest host Tavis Smiley on PBS added calculators and tools to his new "Road to Wealth" feature on his web site. The calculator tools, combined with video and a panel of online experts, gives visitors the help they need to make better informed decisions about their money.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)

ING, a global financial services company serving more than 85 million customers, recently launched a Flash-animated interactive web site to help consumers with the purchase of life insurance. CalcXML calculators make up an integral component of their state-of-the-art presentation which helps users determine whether or not their existing insurance is adequate, how much additional life insurance they will need, and how to calculate and protect their lifetime earnings. See the Financial Toolbox section from the link below.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

The popular real estate valuation site,, recently added a dozen CalcXML-hosted calculators to their new Mortgage section. Through CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet modifications, they are able to easily customize the look-and-feel of their calculators and display them within I-Frames to seamlessly blend in with their web site look-and-feel.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)

Trulia, a high-traffic real estate comparison site, delivers a high-quality, integrated solution using CalcXML web services on all of their real estate listings. When someone clicks on a property they are able to see the asking price of the property and then click on Calculate button to get an estimate of the monthly payment including taxes, insurance and PMI (if applicable) complete with an amortization table. Users can also access the calculators directly from their navigation menu.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

This 100+ year brokerage firm decided to supplement their high net worth financial planning system (used by Advisors) with easy-to-use CalcXML online calculator tools for consumer use. With the XML web service integration they were able to achieve a seamless look-and-feel alongside their existing content.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

Media giant, E.W. Scripps Company, recently launched a new home and mortgage portal in conjunction with their HGTV property. assists individuals with buying/selling a home. They spent the time to create their own look-and-feel for the calculator pages, which they host, and make 'behind-the-scenes' XML calls to our calc engines.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

By adding financial tools at an affordable price, a smaller regional bank is able to compete directly with larger institutions. Using the "CalcXML-hosted" solution with stylesheet modifications, they are able to brand and customize the look-and-feel of their calculators to blend in seamlessly with their web site.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)

Mutual of Omaha selected CalcXML to provide numerous tools for both their insurance and banking initiatives. Due to time constraints and limited in-house programming resources on the banking side, they opted to implement our new "CalcXML-hosted" solution. This option allows you to simply customize a stylesheet (which we send you) where you modify colors, fonts, and text to match your web site design. Once you return the .css stylesheet file back to us, we apply it to your calculator links and you are ready to go "live". Very quick to market (no programming required) yet customized to your needs. On the insurance side, they took a little longer and used our XML web service to create a more customized look by creating and embedding their own input/output pages.
Banking Implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)
Insurance Implementation (XML/Web Services)
Retirement Implementation (XML/Web Services)

Touting over $75 billion in assets, Jackson National Life Insurance Company (JNL), selected CalcXML to provide financial tools for their new Education Center. JNL opted for the quick-to-market CalcXML-hosted solution and was able to successfully modify our default stylesheet to accommodate their own fonts, disclaimer text, web site colors, logo etc. JNL successfully integrated the calculator tools alongside their in-house multimedia retirement presentation.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)

Symetra Financial created a flashy, retirement-focused site to help educate people about retirement issues. As part of the implementation they implemented two CalcXML calculators in Flash, sharing data between the two, and they also included an optional PDF report for downloading.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

Chesapeake Bank, established in 1900, added a financial toolkit section to their web site to help members better manage their financial situations. By selecting a "bundle of ten" calcs across several categories they were able to provide tools across many areas of financial needs. They also set up a separate CalcXML account to introduce a new product line with a unique look-and-feel.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)

Golden Gateway is a leading provider of comparison quotes for reverse mortgages. They commissioned CalcXML to build and host their first reverse mortgage calc engine along with providing several custom calculators for their target market. Using XML web services they were able to incorporate a very nice display of the output tables.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

Another well-respected insurance company launched the CalcXML-hosted solution branded with their logo and colors for a professional look. They divided their calculators into Protection, Retirement, Wealth and Estate Planning categories. Consumers are able to do preliminary financial planning with these tools prior to contacting a Penn Mutual agent.
Click to view implementation (CalcXML-hosted w/ Custom Stylesheet)

National Relocation used the CalcXML web service to implement a homepage "teaser calc" to capture user interest in their site. By answering three simple questions, the web visitor is able to get a complete payment schedule along with a colorful chart. They also provide an additional dozen mortgage calcs for their users.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

The author's of America's bestselling tax guide implemented CalcXML tax calculators as part of a new web site redesign. Calculator pages were created to blend in with their new Life Events site. The tools were implemented to increase repeat visitors and to encourage people to sign up for a monthly subscription.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)

The National Education Association used a combination of two CalcXML calculators to generate results for their "5-Minute Retirement Checkup" tool available to their 3.2 million members. This easy-to-use Flash calculator helps members to quickly assess whether they are on track for retirement and what supplemental savings will be required to meet their retirement goal.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services), a popular money-management portal, features financial tools on the home page to encourage repeat visitors. They also display topic-specific calculators to match their financial areas of focus: real estate, mortgage, checking and savings, insurance, credit cards, investing and debt. This php implementation spreads the input questions over two or three screens to encourage tool use.
Click to view implementation (XML/Web Services)