Should I adjust my payroll withholdings?

Each April many taxpayers are surprised as they realize that they have either over withheld or under withheld on their taxes. Use this paycheck withholding calculator at least annually to help determine whether you are likely to be on target based on your current tax filing status and the number of W-4 allowances claimed. Then make adjustments to your employer W-4 form, if necessary, to more closely match your 2025 federal tax liability. In the event of a projected tax surplus, you may be able to increase your W-4 paycheck withholding allowances and, thereby, increase your paycheck amount.
Income and Tax Information
Tax filing status 
Taxable gross annual income subject to ordinary income rates (W-2, unearned/investment, etc) ($) 
Traditional IRA Contribution ($) 
Itemized deductions (state/local and property taxes capped at $10,000) - $0 for Standard ($) 
Number of dependent children under 17 with SS# 
Number of non-child dependents 
Amount of gross income considered "unearned"/investment income ($) 
Are you (and your spouse if filing jointly) either blind or over age 65? 
Business/Self-Employed Income
Total company pass-through income ($) 
Individual company ownership (%) 
Total company capital assets ($) 
Total company W-2 wages ($) 
Withholding Information
Federal taxes withheld to date ($) 
Tax amount withheld last pay period ($) 
Payment frequency 
The information provided here is to assist you in planning for your future. Any analysis is a result of the information you have provided. Material discussed is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only and it is not to be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, please note that individual situations can vary therefore, the information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice.

Any rate of return entered into the interactive calculator to project future values should be a reasonable average return for the period. Rates of return will vary over time, and generally the higher the rate of return the higher the degree of risk.

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