Calculate Your Possible Credit Score Range

Estimate Your Credit Score

Although credit scores are calculated differently by the various credit bureaus, you can get an estimate of what your score may be by using this calculator. The three main things that help you have a good credit score are first, having a long history of making all debt payments on time, second using the proper mix of credit, and third not maxing out on available credit. Use our credit score calculator to help you determine a possible range of credit scores.
Input And Assumptions
Have you had a credit card or loan for at least 6 months?  
How many years ago did you get your first credit card or loan?  
Checkmark each type of credit account or loan that you have on your credit report, whether open or closed. Mortgage
Credit Card
Auto Loan
Student Loan
Other Loan
Consumer Finance Account
What is your total credit limit?
(Add up the credit limits on all your credit card accounts.)
What is your current total credit balance?
(Add up the balances on all your credit card accounts.)
How many times have you applied for credit in the last year?  
When did you last miss a payment on any of your credit accounts?  
Have you ever had any of the following negative events listed on your credit report? (Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Repossession of property, Tax lien, Collection agency referral, Other negative report)  
If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please indicate how long ago the most recent negative event occurred.  

Additional Information

Improving Your Credit Rating

Photo of a Miniature Person Pushing a Dolly across a Coin

Even if you have not fallen on hard times, you need to know about your credit rating and how to make sure it accurately reflects your credit history. Negative information in your credit report can adversely affect your ability to get credit or get the best loan interest rates. Information about your credit history is collected by credit bureaus, who then sell this information to lenders and others who need it in connection with loans, getting a job, or other financial applications you may make. You must authorize the credit bureaus to give out this information by signing a waiver on an application you make. There are three primary credit bureaus in the United States who collect and disseminate this information: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You should obtain a copy of your credit report from each of these bureaus at least once a year to verify that the information they have is correct.

You build your credit report every time you apply for and use credit. Creditors send information about your credit history with them to one or more of the credit bureaus. Most of the information is accurate and timely, but sometimes it is not. When you miss loan payments, pay late, default on a loan, or have a debt dropped (called a charge-off), that information goes on your credit report.

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What Is Your FICO Score and Why Is It Important?

Just because you want to buy a home doesn't mean that a lender is eager to loan you money. Lenders look at your past history in handling your finances, which is where the FICO score comes in. By the end of this article, you will be able to identify a good FICO score and how it was determined.

The FICO score boils your credit history down to a three-digit number that instantly tells a lender whether you are creditworthy. This score dictates what terms—if any—you will be offered in a mortgage. Pioneered by the Fair, Isaac Corporation, this score and similar ones used by other credit reporting services rely on the following factors:

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How Lenders Rate Creditworthiness

Lenders must evaluate the risks of lending money to others. In commercial lending, creditors generally follow the same principles to evaluate a borrower's creditworthiness.

A creditor usually looks at three factors known as the "three Cs": capacity, capital, and character.

  • Capacity. The present and future ability to meet your financial obligations. Some of the areas examined would be your work history and the amount of debt that you already owe.
  • Capital. Savings and other assets that could be used as collateral for loans. Even if you are not required to post collateral, many creditors express a preference that you have assets other than income that could be used to repay a loan.
  • Character. This boils down to trustworthiness, promptness in paying your existing bills and other debts, and your credit history.
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IMPORTANT: Use of this tool is subject to the following terms and conditions: This tool generates an estimated range of credit scores based on the information you provide. This is an estimate only and only for personal use. Credit bureaus, banks and other financial institutions each calculate credit scores in a variety of ways and for their own purposes; therefore, there is no guarantee that your actual credit score(s) as calculated by these financial institutions will fall within the estimate or estimated range provided by this tool. Prior to making any financial or other decisions involving your credit score(s) or any such estimate, you should obtain your actual credit score(s) from appropriate credit bureaus, banks and/or financial institutions as well as consult with a financial services professional. CalcXML, LLC is not a credit bureau or credit repair service provider and does not receive fees for such services, nor is it a credit clinic, credit repair or credit services organization or business, as defined by federal and state law. YOU AGREE YOUR RECOURSE FOR ANY PROBLEM, CLAIM OR DISSATISFACTION IS SOLELY WITH CALCXML, LLC, BUT YOU ALSO AGREE THAT CALCXML, LLC CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN ACTUAL CREDIT SCORES AND ANY ESTIMATED CREDIT SCORE RANGE (OR OTHER ESTIMATE OR INFORMATION) PROVIDED BY THIS TOOL, AND THAT THIS TOOL AND THE RESULTS OF ANY USE OF THE TOOL ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS ONLY. By clicking the Submit button above, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this paragraph and disclaimer.

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